DV Lottery History

Following the Immigration Act of 1990, the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DV Program) was established. The majority of immigrants were historically originating from a similar group of nations, according to trends. In order to diversify the demographics of immigrants in America, Congress established the DV Program.

The American Department of State now runs lottery programs at random. At the end of the fiscal year, immigrants from underrepresented nations can sign up for DV lotteries. More than 95 percent of DV lottery winners go on to successfully earn a green card. At the time that they won their lotteries, the majority of these immigrants were living abroad.

The DV Program assists 50,000 immigrants who were chosen at random to gain permanent residency each year. Congress is currently considering a number of reform ideas that could jeopardize the program’s survival. But for the time being, the State Department still oversees the program.

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